Surgical masks
Surgical masks with a layer multilayer nonwovens composite, the main production process including melt-blown, spun-bonded, hot air acupuncture, etc, with resistance to liquid, filter particles bacteria, such as effectiveness, is a kind of medical protective textiles.
Constitute a
Surgical masks consists of mask body tighten belt, which masks face body is divided into inner, middle outer layer inner layer for close skin material (common health gauze non-woven), middle to isolate filter layer (superfine melt-blown polypropylene fibre material layer), outer layer material for special antibacterial layer (non-woven ultrathin polypropylene melt-blown material layer).
Method of use
1. Use mask to cover mouth nose carefully fastened, as far as possible, reduce the gap between the mask face;
2. When using, avoid touching mask - in touch, after using the mask to clean masks removed , for example, clean with soap water use of alcohol hand sanitizer.
3. After the mask be affected with damp be affected with damp moisture contamination, change into new clean dry face mask;
4. Don't repeat the use of disposable masks, disposable masks should be discarded after each use.
Changyuan company PuJianKang industry pioneer park
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