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Understand the disposable gown in urinary calculi _ pharmaceutical use disposable kits analysis

2020-05-08 H:23:30

Understand the disposable gown in urinary calculi _ pharmaceutical use disposable kits analysis

Today we will bring you a one-time gown in urinary calculi, hope that through our introduction to let you have a better understanding on the gown

Preoperative preparation of a one-time gown in urinary calculi

Preoperative must understand the bilateral renal function, infection with antibiotics to control infection first. Patients with ureteral calculi before entering the operating room on the operating table preoperative urinary taken flat piece of stone.


Operation method

According to the stone size, shape different parts, commonly used have the following operation:

1. The renal pelvis sinus incision nephrolithotomy

Cut, remove the stones of the renal pelvis, antlers calyces stones, sometimes must be made within the renal sinus renal pelvis calyces cut stone (stone package).

2. The incision of renal parenchyma lithotomy

Kidney stone is bigger, can't cut the renal sinus lithotomy, need to cut the renal parenchyma lithotomy (lithotomy package).

3. Renal resection

Applies to a very multiple calculi (extremely) under the kidney, in the expansion drainage clogged in the calyces one-time, disposable gown in urinary calculi can be a pole renal calyx calculi the stones (package) along with resection.

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Medicine is commonly used now one-time non-woven kits

First is very safe convenient, affordable this one-time non-woven kits USES the high quality medical level of non-woven fabrics, low comprehensive cost, very popular with the medical staff.

Followed by the dual protection function, can protect the patients infection, to safeguard the health care workers will reverse, so very safe. Use non-woven kits again let patients is very comfortable it has a soft, permeability can also prevent liquid penetrant, such a very clean tidy, can effectively improve patient comfort to reduce postoperative infection rate. Then non-woven kits very of environmental protection, post-processing is very convenient. In addition you can also save operating time, so for patients medical staff are greatly beneficial.

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